
Showing posts from January, 2010

"A Photo A Day"

There is an old saying that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". Tomorrow I will start a project called "A Photo A Day". This will involve posting a different photo to my blog everyday until January 31, 2011. I will try my utmost to make it a picture taken on that day but no earlier than the date I started the project. Maybe by the end of the project I can create a new saying. "A photo a day ........". Don't expect it to be as poetic as the saying above because I am not even remotely poetic. If nothing else, it means that I have to use my camera more often. Making time for that will in itself will make this a fun project. Later!

Pinewood Car Derby

I won second prize in the Pinewood Car Derby at our local church meet this past weekend (01-23-2010)in the open division (mostly parents). Will post a pic later.


I read the following this morning and felt that I had to post it. I believe it perfectly represents how we should approach the highs and lows we go through daily. Here it is. The Command To Rejoice (Author Unknown) We can't always rejoice in our circumstances or in other people, because both of these elements may be negative. However, we can rejoice in the Lord, because He is always good, and He never changes. Our spiritual stability is directly related to our knowledge of and commitment to God. Knowing Him helps us live above our circumstances and provides stability.

New Year Greetings

Happy New Year to all, have a blessed 2010. I am having an inspirational chat with my wife.